Behind the Scenes

Occasional writing and updates from behind the scenes on projects and happenings.

Renae Mason Renae Mason

It’s a wrap on 2022!

Looking back on 2022, with thanks.

Photograph of a large bumblebee on a yellow sunflower

A busy bumblebee on a sunflower, enjoying Goethe’s Garten Haus in Weimar, Germany.

As the end of the year is approaching it’s hard to fathom that I was lining up for a booster shot this time last year, and caught my first dose of the dreaded ‘C’ in early January. What a difference a year can make!

The Australian border opened and I made the most of it with trips to LA, Palm Springs (Modernist Week!), the Joshua Tree National Park, a speedy trip across Germany’s autobahns, the Netherlands and Belgium, and a mini-break to New Zealand’s stunning South Island.

I took on freelance roles in digital mentoring, research, writing, video production, content strategy and operations—the variety of work certainly kept me on my toes!

A special thank you to my clients for inviting me into your rich and varied worlds:

I’m planning projects next year so please reach out if you’d like to work together. And most importantly, have a lovely holiday! I hope you celebrate the end of this year in whatever way is most meaningful for you. See you in 2023!

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